This is the online component of the humor section of the Argus, the Wesleyan University newspaper.


Meet JONATHAN BUTTST, the new editor of the Ampersand!!

Jonathan is most inspired by the comedy of Andy Griffith and Ellen Degeneres, but basically wants to be Jay Leno when he grows up. In his free time, he loves to get a sugar high on sparkling apple cider, dance to the Beatles (just not their druggy stuff) with the volume really loud, and play Kirby for hours and hours. He is very excited with his new position since he loves to make people laugh and is confident in his abilities and legendarily incredible sexual potency. A former Boy Scout, he is also adept at building fires and knitting. His favorite color is blue, his favorite cheese is Swiss, and he is enthusiastic about socks. Jonathan disapproves somewhat of the film “Johnny Boy,”  but he would not object if you were to call him that ;p